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I graduated with Ph.D. from the Genesys Lab, EECE, College of Engineering, Northeastern University (NEU), Boston in May 2017.


Research: Wireless Intra-body Communication for Implantable & Wearable Body Devices using galvanic coupling.

Adviser:  Prof. Kaushik R Chowdhury


Academic Curriculum Vitae    Resume    Project details      Technical skills


The research  focuses on the feasibility of intra-tissue wireless implant communication using galvanic coupling, through tissue link characterization and cross layer protocol design. I am also very interested in modeling the three dimensional tissue behavior under the influence of electromagnetic sources using circuit analysis and Finite Element Analysis.

To build a safe, energy efficient and customizable data network that is embedded inside the body. Such an intra-body network would enable


1.   Wireless data delivery from an implant at depth in tissue to the surface gadgets

2.  Wireless configuration of implants from surface without invasive procedures

3. Safe peer to peer communication among the implanted sensors and actuators to provide autonoumous treatment for critical health conditions in timely manner and with minimal human intervention


NCWIT Collegiate Award reception at NCWIT summit, 16 - 18 May 2016


Research presentation at IEEE ICC conference, Malaysia, 24-26 May, 2016


Honorable mention award, IEEE INFOCOM, San Franscisco, 11-15 April, 2016.


Research presentation at INFOCOM, San Franscisco, 11-15 April, 2016.


Presenting the research in NEPSSS on 11/12/2015, at 4.00 pm.


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